I’ve always been someone who dotes on the past.
I‘ve obsessed over what could have happened, what could have been better if I had done something differently. I’m sure that’s normal.
It’s just something I have to work on.
Obsessing over the past doesn’t make you a better person.
But learning from it does.
We have all come a long way since our first steps and words.
We‘ve felt, given, hated, loved, learned, and, most of all, achieved.
I have done over 40 plays and musicals throughout my life and I am thankful to have been able to do every single one.
I have learned a lot, mostly from my mistakes and my wrongdoings.
I‘ve cringed, fell, forgot my lines, tripped, and cried and I learned every single time.
As I’m sitting and writing this in the empty Archbold Theater where Matilda is playing tonight, I have thought about all of the mistakes that I have made that lead me to this.
I have grown as a person throughout my time on Earth, and Matilda has helped me grow more than I ever have.
My mistakes prepared me for this experience, and this experience will prepare me for more mistakes in the future.
I have had the honor to work with an incredible group of people here at Syracuse Stage, and each one of them as helped me learn and grow in their own way.
Thank you to my fellow cast mates who have supported and worked with me throughout this process. I wouldn’t have grown without you.

It's definitely normal to obsess over the past. There are some adults who still obsess over the past, instead of learn from it. For you to realize how to learn from your experiences at the age of 12, when some adults can't; proves that you will go very far in life.